Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the 4th LE:NOTRE Institute Landscape Forum. This year, the event will take place from 21st – 25th of April in Bucharest, Romania. The forum is hosted by Ion Mincu University for Architecture and Urbanism and the University of Agronomic Sciences and Vetenary Medicine in cooperation with the Romanian professional associations for landscape architecture and urban planning. The International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) is our knowledge partner and will join us on one of the forum days.
The interactive and interdisciplinary forum will focus on the landscape of the Colentina lakes that is transecting the northern periphery of Bucharest. Thus the title ‘(Re)Discovering the Emerald Necklace’.
You can find detailed information on the forum objectives, theme, programme and workshops on the forum website:
Please register for the forum newsletter so that we can keep you updated. The online registration/poster submission system is not ready yet but will be so within a few days. Supporters of the LE:NOTRE Institute will profit from reduced attendance fees.
Forum participants are invited to submit posters for the forum exhibition before 15th of February 2015. More information on how to prepare posters can be found here:
We also invite doctoral students to submit posters about their methodical approaches. These contributions will be discussed during the doctoral colloquium on day 0 of the forum (21th of April). Please forward this information to your doctoral students. More information on the colloquium and how to prepare posters for this meeting can be found here:
This year we also offer a ‘pre-forum promenade’ which will take you to the outstanding landscape of the Romanian Carpathians. This event is offered in cooperation with Tourism Verde. This association promotes sustainable and ecological tourism, for which Romania has great potential. We hope you can manage to come already a few days earlier (18th – 20th of April) in order to enjoy this promenade. More information here:
Last but not least, the LE:NOTRE institute student competition, covering the same area as the forum itself, is still ongoing and you may invite your students to participate.
It also gives you a great opportunity for exploring the forum sites in advance.
Please help us promoting the Bucharest landscape forum. You will find various language versions of the forum press release on the website. Please use them to inform people who might not be aware of this event so far. You can retrieve the language versions from the forum website:
The organizing team of the landscape forum is looking forward to seeing you in Bucharest! Please register for the forum newsletter and you will always be up to date. Do not hesitate to contact me for general questions.
With best wishes
Ellen Fetzer,
on behalf of the forum organizing team:
LE:NOTRE Institute board together with
Angelica Stan (Ion Mincu University for Architecture and Urbanism)
Ioana Tudora (University of Agronomic Sciences and Vetenary Medicine)
Gabriel Pascariu (APUR Professional Association of Romanian Urban Planners)
Diana Culescu (ASOP Romanian Association of Landscape Architecture)
and many more colleagues….