Epert Exams
The people who act as responsible persons in performing activities of Physical Planning and Construction must pass the expert exam. The exam is taken according to the examination program and the scope which depends on the type of activities that the examinee performs, on his profession and the qualifications or higher education level.
A person who has completed the expert exam can carry out the services of Physical planning or construction within the types of jobs, professional fields and qualifications, or levels of higher education which has a certificate of expert examination.
Physical planning and construction include:
• Professional Activity of Physical Planning
• Participants in construction
• Testing and confirmation of compliance in construction
• Physical planning in public administration
The purpose of the expert examination is that a person who is prepared and takes the professional exam:
• understands the meaning of the legal basis of Physical Planning and Construction;
• knows which responsibilities they have as a responsible person;
• learns the need for monitoring construction and technical regulations and its changes and thus gain the foundation for responsible fulfilment of the requirements of the public interest as regulated by the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction and other regulations which are important for the application of that law.
On the December 5th 2015, Rules on expert examination of persons carrying out Construction and Physical Planning (NN 129/2015) was put into effect.
Landscape architects take the exam for the field of architecture – Participants in the construction of landscape architecture – Master of Landscape Architecture with a minimum of 300 ECTS.
APPLICATION for the expert exam must be submitted to the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, Zagreb, Street of Republic of Austria 20, or in person at the Registry of the Ministry working day 8:30 to 13:30 at the SIG-1 form. Documents to be submitted:
1. Certified copy of the diploma of studies or certificate of completed education of appropriate profession certified by a public notary;
2. Certification from Pension Fund on work experience;
3. Confirmation from the employer (the original) on the acquired experience on their respective positions in the profession or on other appropriate jobs or other document of the employer (eg. a decision on the appointment, etc.) from which one can see that the candidate has gained work experience in a particular type of works for which they take the professional exam;
4. Confirmation of payment of costs of taking professional exams (eg. payment slips). In accordance with the Decision of the Minister the costs of taking professional exam are 900.00 and the cost of makeup exam HRK 300,00;
5. Confirmation of the Authority that, in accordance with the specific European programs, sent the applicants to professional practice, the time spent on professional practice and the professional competencies acquired during the same if it was acquired in the State of the European Economic Area;
6. Contact phone to cut unnecessary correspondence in case of the lack of data on the Request.
Literature for expert examinations
Participants in the construction of landscape architecture – Master of Landscape Architecture with a minimum of 300 ECTS. (LINK)