From 27th-29th September 2012 Barcelona hosts the 7th European Biennial of Landscape titled “Biennial vs. Biennial”. During three days the event will include presentations by the finalists of the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize, round tables and discussions where it will be possible to track and evaluate the developments of landscape design in Europe. The event is organised by the Catalan PolytechnicUniversity (UPC) and the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC).
The Biennial will start with Rosa Barba European Landscapes Prize finalists, where seven projects built in Europe between 2007 and 2011 will be presented. One of the finalists will be awarded on September 28th with $ 15.000, courtesy of Fundació Banc Sabadell.
The selected works offer an exciting overview for all audience, featuring projects from:
– Marianne Mommsen (DE), with Gardens of the Whole World in Berlin. Their approach to landscape is known for the purist and humanistic treatment of the landscape. The projects are often sober, but filled with meaning and valuable experience.
– Michael van Gessel (NL), the renewal of the historic Castle Twickel in Delden. Educated at the University of Wageningen, Gessel devotes his time to the supervision of large scale, mostly urban, revitalization projects and other landscape architectural works.
– João Ferreira Nunes (PT), with the Centre for Water Purification Alcântara in Lisbon. Founder and head of PROAP, he develops the conceptual drawing and creative work at PROAP, defining the strategic orientation of the research processes in the projects.
– Martí Franch and Ton Ardévol (ES), with the restoration of the place of Tudela-Culip (Club Med) in the Natural Park of Cap de Creus, Girona. Educated at the University of Greenwhich, Martí Franch is the founder of EMF landscape architecture, working world wide on projects and studies of public spaces, urban planning and the organisation of territories in public and private areas.
– Michel Desvigne (FR) with Ile Seguin, garden precursor to Bolougne Billancourt. Desvigne as an international renowned landscape architect by his contemporary designs and originality had collaborated with leading architects such as Sir Norman Foster and Jean Nouvel, being awarded in 2011 with the French National Urbanism Grande Prize.
– Jacqueline Osty (FR), with Martin Luther King Park in Paris. Known for her ability to translate landscape as structure with a strong architectural feeling, Jacqueline has worked on many urban design projects for most of France’s major cities. She has developed a very contextual and sensitive approach to the site, working back and forth from a large territorial scale to the scale of small details.
– Steffan Robel and Joachim Swillus (DE), with Mangfallpark Rosenheim in Rosenheim. Steffan Robel is a founder of A24 Landschaft officetogether with Joachim Swillus, and their work focuses on national and international landscape architecture projects within urban settings.
On the second day, “Biennial vs. Biennial” will give the opportunity to discuss what should be the landscape design and planning nowadays, aiming to provide a plausible and exciting future. The keynote speakers will present and discuss on our profession’s internationalization and future. Organised in two panels, Marieke Timmermans (NL) and Julie Bargmann(USA) under the theme of Innovation in Education and Manolo Ruisánchez (ES) and Gilles Vexlard (FR) under the theme of Innovation in Professional Practice.
– Marieke Timmermans (NL) is the head of department of Landscape Architecture of the Academy of Architecture, Amsterdam School of the Arts and Co-founder of Landscape Architects for SALE – Stedebouw Architectuur Landschap.
– Julie Bargmann (USA) is internationally recognized as an innovative designer in building regenerative landscapes as D.I.R.T. studio founder and central to the completely sold-out Second Wave of Modernism II conference last week at NewYork’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) which generated lots of buzz and a bit of controversy.
– Manuel Ruisánchez (ES) is one of the Spanish most international professionals, an outstanding built work and teaching experience in Harvard University and IUAV in Venice.
– Gilles Vexlard (FR) is co-founder with L. Vacherot paysagiste DPLG of Latitude Nord Studio, and one of the most awarded Landscape professionals (Prix Robert Auzelle, National Grand Prix in Germany and 1st « International Urban Landscape Award » in France).
Both panels will be followed by round table discussions with several world-famous academia and professionals, such as Carles Llop (ES), Manuel Bailo (ES), Cristina Castel-Branco (PT), Marc Claramunt (FR), Ana Luengo (ES), Lisa Mackenzie (UK), Jorg Sieweke (DE), Sue Anne Ware (AU), Álex Giménez (ES), Bet Capdeferro (ES), Matteo Gatto (IT), Vicente Guallart (ES), Nigel Thorne (UK), Stefan Tischer (DE), Ramon Torra (ES) and Craig Verzone (CH).
The last day will be dedicated to the Topos silver jubilee with the topic “The World of Landscape Architecture”. Several landscape designers and governmental officials will overview the impact of the last two decades on the profession. The panel is conducted by Robert Schäfer (DE) and will include well-known professionals such as Kathryn Gustafson (US/UK), Reiulf Ramstad (NO), Herbert Dreiseitl (SG) and the Topos Landscape Award 2012 laureate Sébastian Penfornis (FR).
As Marina Cervera, the head coordinator of the Biennial says, “it is a huge collective effort, finally blossoming and therefore we have to admit we are really proud to announce the panel for next edition”.
Landscape architects and related professionals from Europe and beyond are invited to attend the 7th European Landscape Biennial!
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Registration:,special fares until September 3rd. Group registration is available.
Additional information: Marina Cervera,