The Landscape Forum Zagreb
The LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum works every year on a specific area in relevant urban or peri-urban territories. For the 8th Landscape Forum in Zagreb the central issue is blue-green infrastructure that supports landscape quality in the city and improves quality of life.
Workshops, excursions and working groups on six main themes
At the heart of the LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum are four thematic working groups and two cross-cutting groups. You are invited to prepare the workshops jointly and to undertake fieldwork during the meeting. The urban landscape of Zagreb will serve as your joint case study. Your involvement will continue after the meeting as co-author of a report based on the outcomes of the Forum. The Zagreb landscape is shaped by various spatial, social and cultural dynamics. During the forum, the participants will explore this landscape through six different lenses:
o Working Group 1: The Zagreb Landscape Vision
o Working Group 2: Green Infrastructure Development
o Working Group 3: Urban Agriculture and Foodscapes
o Working Group 4: Heritage and Identities
o Cross-cutting Theme 1: Landscape and Democracy
o Cross-cutting Theme 2: Landscape and Economy
More about applications please check HERE!