IFLA Europe online event: ‘Landscape Architecture and the EU Green Deal’, 8. lipnja, 14h
The theme of our online webinar “Landscape Architecture and the European Green Deal”, aims to present the valuable and crucial role of Landscape Architecture to respond to European Green Deal challenges. Also to present the new trends towards, -from rural to urban landscapes-, biodiversity recognition, as a source for sustainable economy and development, nature-based solutions, climate change mitigation measures, agricultural policies, to enhance economic and environmental resilience. We need to promote landscape and nature in decision-making, developing a holistic vision regarding cultural, social, political, environmental, and economic balance beyond political borders.
Landscape resilience is key to maintaining biodiversity, and landscape architects face two key problems in European landscapes. The key challenge in urban areas is the shrinking of green spaces in competition for land, and the main problem in rural areas is the abandonment of traditional cultivation and intensification of agriculture.
The invitees include representatives of European Commission as well as ‘sister’ organisations and professions. We will present case studies and projects executed by Landscape Architects and will have a panel discussion with questions from the participants. Programme will be presented shortly.